Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pareidolia: part n + 1

I've lost count of how many cases of pareidolia I've posted about here and I know the Bad Astronomer has posted more than a few as well. Usually the articles authors are fairly soft on those whose only restraint on their imaginations is that they can only imagine biblical figures is lumps of chocolate.

However, in this article, the author is somewhat less cordial, pointing out that the Church doesn't even acknowledge such false idols. Instead, the church encourages its followers "to see the face of Christ in the homeless, the poor, the destitute and the immigrant."

My, wouldn't it be nice if its followers actually lived up to such ideals?


  1. I found your blog via Paul's link to this post in his KGB Carnival. Like him, I want to thank you for teaching me a new word.

  2. And in turn, I should probably thank the Bad Astronomer for teaching it to me.

    Now all I have to do is be able to pronounce it without tripping over it.

  3. And in turn, I should probably thank the Bad Astronomer for teaching it to me.

    Now all I have to do is be able to pronounce it without tripping over it.
