Monday, January 15, 2007

Cleaning house

Now that blogger has enabled tags for posts, it occurs to me that the post index by which I used to organize posts has become obsolete. Thus, that's gone now. But to help in finding posts that I made before the tagging system came about, I've gone through nearly 300 posts and added tags to all earlier posts. Thus, if you're looking for something on a specific topic, it should be pretty easy to find.

The tag system also allows me to get a better feel for how much I've posted on certain topics.

As you might expect, some of the most frequent tags are astronomy and religion. However, both of these are pretty broad labels. Creationism and Intelligent Design are pretty common as well.

If you're new to this blog and are into the astronomy aspect more, I'd recommend checking out my series of posts with the basics tag applied to them. This summer I began a series on the basics behind astronomical techniques, starting from where the light we detect comes from, following it all the way to the detector, and then began to look at some of the science behind what we can learn from that light.


  1. Well, this explains why your RSS feed went haywire and reposted about a hundred entries to my LJ friends' page...

  2. Apologies on that. I didn't realize RSS feeds would do that. Otherwise I would have disabled it before I went through all that.

    Sorry to everyone I spammed!

  3. Apologies on that. I didn't realize RSS feeds would do that. Otherwise I would have disabled it before I went through all that.

    Sorry to everyone I spammed!
