Thursday, January 11, 2007

Commenting Glitches

I've been informed recently of a few glitches with commenting. Two have said that they can't log in or put in identifying information and thus have to post as "anonymous". One's reported that it just keeps crashing for him while using Internet Explorer.

I have no clue what's been going on, as I haven't changed any commenting settings in several months. However, blogger did just update to a new version and I'm assuming that's where the snafus have occured.

I'll have a look through the FAQ's and help pages to see if there's anything on it. If I can't find anything, I'll see if I can't Email someone about it.

But if all else fails, feel free to Email me and let me know what you're thinking!

Update: One thing I've found:
Users who have their Internet Explorer security settings set to “High” may have trouble logging in. After sigining in, they see a “Click here to continue” link that does nothing. One workaround is to right-click on this link and choose “Open in a new window.”


  1. just testing,

  2. There used to be fields to enter an identity......

  3. OK, so the "Other" and "Anonymous" I can use, "Google/Blogger" not.
    See what happens when I put in a link as a sig.

    Planeten Paultje

  4. It says: "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Attribute "TARGET" is not allowed: target="_blank" href= etc....", so that didn't work. Oh well, At least I can comment non-anonymously.

  5. So I'll use it this way from here on. But I liked the previous situation much better.....
    The input text
    window is a bit narow btw...

    Planeten Paultje
