Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pareidolia: part n + 3

Looks like Jesus is showing up in a tree again.

You know, if I were Jesus, I don't think I'd be too keen on making appearances on big wooden things. The time he did so 2,000 years ago didn't end so well for him.


  1. Looks more like the man in the moon.

  2. Think that's Jesus too.

    I mean after all, there's 2 eyes, and a mouth.

    The resemblance is uncanny.

  3. Awesome. So we have now established Jesus was a viking shrimp from the moon.

  4. Mr. Volsey, your entry On Galaxies and Globulars was excellent - well written, informed and informative (oh - and the topic was well chosen, too). This entry, however, had none of those virtues.

  5. It wasn't meant to. The posts on pareidolia are a lighthearted look at the rather ridiculous things people see, not literary adept or insightful entries.

  6. I think it kind of resemebles Agamemnon.

  7. It looks interesting but I don't think I would have ever noticed it without being told it was there. Then again, I suck at those things where you are supposed to see a picture in a bunch of dots.

  8. People see what they want to see, or what they've been conditioned to see. Some guy in France dug up an asparagus that lots of people thought looked just like Jesus. Too me, it looked like Hemingway. You pays your money and you takes your choice, I guess. Our brains are wired to see faces, but whose seems up for grabs.

  9. How do we know what Jesus looked like anyway? Oh yeah that's right.. The Shroud of Turin..

  10. How do we know what Jesus looked like anyway? Oh yeah that's right.. The Shroud of Turin..

  11. Mr. Volsey, your entry On Galaxies and Globulars was excellent - well written, informed and informative (oh - and the topic was well chosen, too). This entry, however, had none of those virtues.
