Friday, June 22, 2007

21st War of the Lilies

For those that don't know me too well, I do occasionally take time off from being an evil atheist out to thwart theists by pointing out their pseduoscientific nonsenese "theories" and engage in other hobbies. One of those hobbies is swordfighting as a member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms.

This hobby was the primary reason for my recent dry spell of posts (the secondary reason being there wasn't anything I felt like commenting on). Upon returning home from school, much of my time was spent preparing for the 21st War of the Lilies. I spent nearly 2 weeks at the sewing machine making myself a well dressed medieval gent. From there, I headed to the main event just north of Kansas City, for the main event. Five days were spent camping and on the field in armor in the midwest heat and humidity.

The friend that accompanied me took lots of pictures, and you can check out the whole gallery here. There's 153 pictures in there, so it might take awhile...


  1. That's pretty cool. Back home (Texas) there was a group that would have battles at one of the local parks, and I always thought it would be fun.

  2. Texas is in the Kingdom of . It's a great group. Check it out if you get the chance.

  3. I'm at least one Ansteorran who reads your blog, although I haven't been very active lately. My last time in armor was Pennsic 2004, but I recently repaired my gear and plan to get reauthorized soon.

    Good to know we have something besides Astronomy in common, I'm what you might call a reasonably rational theist (although that's not the way I would normally describe myself). You should post something about your persona for the masses.

  4. I don't actually have a persona. Thus far, I've been primarily a stick jock. All I care about is the fighting, hence the not having any garb and having to spend 2 weeks preparing it.

    Eventually when I'm not busy with homework all the time I'll get more involved and put together a persona. I'm still debating between Roman and Japanese.

  5. I am not a regular blogger. Just someone who attnds Ren Fest on a regular basis in KC. I keep on missing the Lilies war. Last one I saw was in 2005. Would you happen to know what the calendar looks like in 2008?

  6. I'm at least one Ansteorran who reads your blog, although I haven't been very active lately. My last time in armor was Pennsic 2004, but I recently repaired my gear and plan to get reauthorized soon.

    Good to know we have something besides Astronomy in common, I'm what you might call a reasonably rational theist (although that's not the way I would normally describe myself). You should post something about your persona for the masses.
