Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Solar Cycle!

So I didn't post anything for the new year. But that's ok, because as Phil points out, it's an arbitrary orbital marker anyway. Meanwhile, recently a much cooler event started just yesterday: It's the beginning of the 24th recorded solar cycle.


  1. So you are an astronomer.. what do you think if anything is going to happen Dec 21,2012? Pole shift? High tides.. the moon taking the hell off? Or nothing? If the pools shifted could that screw up the gravitational pull enough that the moon might be sling-hotted beyond earth's grip?

  2. oops "sling-shotted" (if that is a word...

  3. I'm going to make an amazingly deep and profound prediction on that topic:

    The sun will rise in the east. Set in the west. People will get up, and do things. Stuff will happen.

    Oh wait... all that happens every day? I guess my answer is "nothing out of the ordinary" then.

    All the 2012 junk is a bunch of astrobabble nonsense anyway. It's similar to saying you can stand eggs on end on the equinoxes because gravitational fields line up.

  4. So pretty soon we can expect some great Aurora displays, right?

    The bit about eggs reminds me of the time a friend tried telling me water flows clockwise down a drain in the Northern hemisphere(or was that counter clockwise?). At any rate no amount of empirical observation coupled with a bottle of wine could convince him otherwise.

    After the wine was all done we did manage to invent a whole new branch of meteorology called quantum meteorology.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love trolls.

    They give me something to delete.

  7. Yes and what I really love are the ones that get mad me because I dare to moderate my blog.

  8. Hey Paul,
    Don't delete me. We love stars. And stuff. Like that.
    visit for similar amusement. Good luck with the moon. And mars.
