Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What else has been going on

Last week I said one of the reasons I haven't been posting much is that there just hasn't been much going on besides politics and we're all sick to death of that. Another reason is that, now that I've graduated, I've been able to devote more time to other hobbies that aren't things I typically post about on this blog. I don't intend to make them a major portion of my blog, but it's worth mentioning.

In particular, I've gone and gotten myself a Netflix account. I've seen a few films I just missed in theaters that I wanted to catch (like the Simpsons movie), a few that are classics I've wanted to see for a long time (Seven Samurai) and quite a bit of anime (Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing and Cowboy Bebop). Most of my evenings are spent, at least in part watching something from Netflix.

I've also been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. With the new expansion coming out this week, it's been more fun because many of the players that disappeared over the summer in my guild are coming back, so raids have been much more frequent and well attended.

For those that are interested, I have three characters I play regularly. All are on the Stormreaver. My main is Tiadara. She's my badass shadow priest. She enjoys short runs through Karazhan and playing mana battery for 24 other guys. Hot.

My second 70 is Ellobrosa. I don't tend to play him much anymore since Huntards are a dime a dozen so his main purpose is to help use his Track Humanoids skill to find those annoying Horde that just ganked my lowbies or guild mates.

Sebiole is my third character I play regularly. I got tired of not being able to find a tank so I'm leveling her prot spec. Not a terribly good idea. Sure, I have tons of health and don't die easily, but damn does it take forever for me to kill stuff.

So that's the digital persons I hide behind most nights I'm not out being social.

Aside from WoW, I've also been able to take more time to head to conventions. And by conventions, I mean convention. Sadly, there's very few in the midwest worth visiting. I did manage to make it to Archon 32 last month. It was pretty lame aside from the costume contest, but since costuming is what I go for anyway, I didn't mind. My gallery of pictures of the costumes is here.

I'll be at Nebraskon this coming weekend. It's looking like I'll be there as one of the official representatives of Naka Kon which is the Kansas City anime convention originally started by KU's anime club. I've been made a staff member of that so show up if you're in the area! I'll be running a panel entitled "The Science of Anime" which will attempt to answer questions like, "If someone were really falling the amount of time it took Naruto to shout that ridiculously long sentence, how far would he have fallen and how fast would he hit the ground?" It should be fun.


Tacticus said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of tank leveling.
May i recommend leveling arms or fury and then switching to prot at 70(80)
it will be much more fun and OMGWTF faster

<-- tacticus on cenarius

Jon Voisey said...

I could go back to fury for leveling, but I tend to like instance running more than questing. With two other 70's I've done enough damn quests. And being prot spec makes it damn easy to find parties since real tanks are hard to find at any level other than 70.

FZ said...

Is it just me, or your profile photo is unavailable?

Anyway, I'm glad you've finally start writing posts - it's been quite a while since I read your last pareidolia post.

Anonymous said...

You might also want to try out greencine (www.greencine.com), which is basically like Netflix but with a much better anime selection. (Netflix, at least when we subscribed a few years ago, didn't believe in series, just movies and OAVs.)

Brontodon said...

How can you say there's not much going on? This is an astronomy blog, isn't it? We're actually getting photographs of extrasolar planets -- it's all over the news -- and all you can do is complain that you're sick of politics? What about the probes on Mars? I'm very disappointed!

Freiddie said...

Is it just me, or your profile photo is unavailable?

Anyway, I'm glad you've finally start writing posts - it's been quite a while since I read your last pareidolia post.

Brontodon said...

How can you say there's not much going on? This is an astronomy blog, isn't it? We're actually getting photographs of extrasolar planets -- it's all over the news -- and all you can do is complain that you're sick of politics? What about the probes on Mars? I'm very disappointed!