Friday, November 20, 2009

God the Hitman?

As I've understood it, the point of prayer is generally to make a request of God to perform an action on your behalf.


Whatever. We ask for help with things all the time. But generally, it's from people that can actually do something (again, prayer doesn't work).

But when we ask someone real to commit murder, it's a crime. It doesn't matter if they're actually going to do it or not. If someone attempts to persuade someone else to kill someone, regardless of the effectiveness of that person or the final outcome, it's a crime. And not one that should be laughed off.

So what should we make of this story in which some Christians are touting merchandise that reads: Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8. Psmalm 109.8 reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."

In other words, they want Obama dead and they're asking someone (that they claim is real) to make it happen. The "how" isn't mentioned, but if someone was talking to a real person, it wouldn't have to. It's still a felony.

I'm still not entirely sure how I feel on this. I already knew people like this were delusional, but this is right up on the border of dangerous.


  1. Well, it is Jon. Especially as there are individual "crazies" within religious groups that will take such "prayers" seriously and act on them.
    But just as some states exempt religious parents from responsibility of their own children's deaths from failed "healing prayers", I don't expect Psalm 109:8 merchandise promoters, sellers, will be either, even if it is a federal crime.

  2. Will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest?

    I'll go with "dangerous."

  3. Will no-one rid me of this troublesome priest?

    I'll go with "dangerous."
