Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Councilwoman attempts exorcism on daughter

In the past, I've mentioned how exorcisms are dangerous. Yet in neither of those cases was the person encouraging the act a member of the government.

The parents claim that they did not attempt to do any such thing, but their account does not apparently explain the bruises which the teen suffered, and their actions are entirely in line with what we'd expect from someone who called the Police Department's victims' advocate the, "Devil's advocate."

It sounds to me like these people are grade A crazy. I seriously hope that this woman is not reelected in the future and is preferably removed from office immediately. If such a person cannot make intelligent decisions for her own family and claims that women should not be informed about their rights as adult citizens, how can we expect such a person to make informed decisions for the greater community and uphold our rights?


Thordr said...

obviously, rationality is NOT a prereq for political office, look at Bush, Brownback.... ect ect

William Hudson said...

When I first read the post, I thought for sure it would be about Scientology (since their world HQ is in Clearwater). Just goes to show you, nutbars come in all flavors.

William Hudson said...

When I first read the post, I thought for sure it would be about Scientology (since their world HQ is in Clearwater). Just goes to show you, nutbars come in all flavors.

Thordr said...

obviously, rationality is NOT a prereq for political office, look at Bush, Brownback.... ect ect